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TOURISM 2 - Examination questions:
- Arrivals:
- Welcoming: the first encounter
- Cultural differences in greetings
- Car hire
- Arriving and moving on – arrival places
- A place to stay:
- How guest see the hotels
- Registering new arrivals
- Where things are in the hotels
- Hotel services and information, staff
- Tourist information services:
- Information types
- Tourist information centres
- Giving directions – How can I get to …?
- Recommending and promoting
- Holiday rep:
- Types of holiday rep, duties, responsibilities
- Giving a welcome meeting talk
- Advice and obligation
- Customer care and tips on tipping
- Eating out:
- Food tourism
- Describing dishes, taking an order
- Introducing the food of a region
- Dealing with complaints
- Rural tourism:
- What is rural tourism?
- Grading system for rural accommodation
- Checking people into a campsite
- Resources for rural tourism, forecasting weather
- Attractions and events:
- Types of visitor attractions
- Describing buit attractions
- Describing a festival
- People and facilities at attractions
- On tour:
- The job of tour manager / tour guide
- Standards of performance
- Arrangements on tour
- Problems on tour, language of calming and dealing with a crisis
- Hotel entertainment:
- What is hotel entertainment?
- Customer care – customers of all ages and entertainment for them
- Working with kids
- Personality of hotel entertainment worker
- Specialized tourism:
- Niche tourism – what is it?
- Responding to special requests
- Disability and tourism
- Identifying and checking special needs
- Business travel:
- Business travel terms
- Cultural awareness
- Conferences and exhibitions, equipment and facilities
- Jobs in business travel
- Checking out:
- Customer feedback
- Front office duties
- Responding to problems at the hotel
- Checking guest out