Otázky ke zkoušce pro ekonomy: pre-intermediate level
The Business Pre-Intermediate
Examination questions
1 U 1
- What types of jobs could involve working in other countries? Which countries would you like and not like to go and work in?
- How do you apply for a job abroad? Who is a ‘cultural chameleon’?
2 U 1
- What everyday problems do people who live abroad have? Give some useful advice for them.
- What is small talk? How can you make small talk successfully?
3 U 2
- What is your favourite shop? Why do you like shopping there?
- What is the shopping experience like in Breuninger department stores? What luxury customer services do they offer?
4 U 2
- How should a helpline operator deal with customers’ problems?
- What do the customers usually complain about? What is your experience with complaints?
5 U 3
- Give a brief history of the organization of work in the UK.
- What is lean manufacturing? How did the Toyota Production system develop?
6 U 3
- What are the trends in the aviation industry? Consider a) small airlines, b) large airlines, c) passengers, d) the environment and e) airline staff.
- When you give a presentation what are the most important things to remember?
7 U 4
- Give the success story of Estée Lauder. What were the secrets of her success?
- What are the habits of successful business owners?
8 U 4
- How would you describe yourself as a worker/student at an appraisal interview? What are your strengths and weaknesses?
- Give the profile of Margarete Steiff, the inventor of the teddy bear.
9 U 5
- Why is advertising necessary? Explain the AIDA model and a USP.
- What are the different forms of advertising? Why is body advertising becoming popular?
10 U 5
- What are the important characteristics of a good salesperson?
- What are the principles of successful business negotiating?
11 U 6
- What qualities are most important for an entrepreneur to possess? Which countries have a lot of entrepreneurs?
- Why are there many Ltds in Germany?
12 U 6
- What are the different kinds of companies?
- What are the tips for running business meetings successfully? What is the agenda and what are action minutes?
13 U 7
- How can the companies raise funds? What are the pros and cons of each way?
- What is an Initial Public Offering and why didn’t the Bertelsmann group, the world’s largest media company, agree with it?
14 U 7
- What are the current economic trends in the world?
- Describe some trends in your country (employment, house prices, recycling, crime rate, the price of petrol, train travel, etc.)
15 U 8
- What is a franchise? What types of businesses tend to be franchises?
- How has Subway expanded into a global company?
16 U 8
- What are the possible stages of setting up a franchise?
- What points does a report of recommendation include? What are some typical selection criteria when evaluating different places for relocating production?