Otázky ke zkoušce - Technology 1
Technology 1 Examination questions
- What are positive and negative effects that technology has on society?
- Name some important technological innovations of the past 60 years. Which do you consider the most important and why?
- Name the faculties at VSB-Technical University of Ostrava. Explain what is studied at each faculty.
- Describe your course (subjects, timetable, career choice after you graduate).
- What are the stages of the design process?
- Give a few facts about a well-known designer.
- What materials are used for making modern sports equipment and clothing? What properties do the materials have?
- Describe a piece of sports equipment that you use. What materials is it made of?
- What does the term appropriate technology mean? Give a few examples of an appropriate technology device.
- Explain how the wind pump and the clockwork radio work.
- What equipment do the policemen use? What is its function?
- Describe some modern crime-fighting devices and home security systems.
- What manufacturing processes are used in making drinks cans, bikes, and CD cases?
- Describe one of the modern manufacturing processes (electroforming, water jet abrasive cutting, hydroforming).
- How can cars of the future be safer?
- Give examples of cars which do not have conventional petrol or diesel engines.
- Explain how skyscrapers are built.
- Give a few facts about a famous skyscraper.
- Give a few examples of Electronic Assistive Technology.
- How can medical technology help blind people or elderly people who live alone?
- What entertainment devices can you use to listen to music or watch a film?
- What are the latest developments in the video games industry?
- How are computers involved in car manufacturing?
- What kind of work does an IT Support Technician do? What is a help desk?
- What are the devices used in telecommunications? What do they do?
- How do VoIP phone systems work?
- Which two jobs in technology would you like to do? Which two jobs would you not like to do? Explain your choices.
- What parts does a CV consist of? What personal statement would you give when applying for a job?
- What is the possible future of technology in transport, health, IT, telecommunications, and domestic appliances?
- How can the future technology influence crime?